Packers Plus, CGC complete first well with ball-activated technology in Southern Argentina
CALGARY -- Packers Plus Energy Services Inc. recently worked with Compañía General de Combustibles (CGC) to complete a 10-stage StackFRACHD multi-stage system, the first well completed with ball-activated technology in southern Argentina's Santa Cruz province.
This advanced, field-proven system was the first open hole completion in a horizontal well in southern Argentina. StackFRAC HD allows for exact placement of stimulation treatments in one continuous pumping operation, improving operational efficiency. Once the stimulation operation is complete, the well can be immediately flowed back and put on production. Packers Plus' custom solution provided CGC with an efficient and cost-effective operation along with the record for Argentina's highest stage count in a well using a liner hanger packer.
"Our objective is to help customers in Argentina go beyond conventional operations to maximize well performance," says Packers Plus President Ian Bryant. "We look forward to achieving more technological firsts with other operators in Latin America, helping the region develop both conventional and unconventional resources."
Packers Plus has been at the forefront of innovative completions in Argentina for a decade and continues to run both cemented and open hole systems in the area.