
July 29, 2024
European energy companies have been grappling with competing forces — the negative impact of low natural gas prices and falling refining margins due to weak fuel demand, against the positive effect of higher crude prices amid OPEC+ supply cuts. For Eni, the upside outweighed the downside.
December 2021
U.S. operators rein in spending
December 2021
Gas bulls feasting, as production nears all-time high
December 2021
After the debacle that 2020 was for so many companies and professionals in the global E&P industry, there was great hope that there would be recovery this year that would gain in momentum, as the months went by. Instead, what everyone got was a muted recovery, as U.S. operators and OPEC+ members exerted uncharacteristic restraint with regard to drilling and production, respectively.
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