Proposed permitting reform bill sets deadline to approve U.S. LNG exports

Ari Natter, Bloomberg July 23, 2024

(Bloomberg) – The Energy Department would have 90 days to make decisions on liquefied natural gas (LNG) export projects under a permitting reform plan unveiled Monday by Senator Joe Manchin.

Senator Joe Manchin

The legislation — co-sponsored by Senator John Barrasso, the top Republican on the Senate energy committee that Manchin chairs — isn’t likely to become law in its current form. But parts could be included in must-pass legislation or serve as a starting point for efforts in the next Congress.

Other highlights of the Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024 include new limits on federal agency timelines to make project decisions. It also would require annual lease sales for both offshore wind and oil projects and expedite approval of electric transmission lines, according to a summary. 

Previous attempts by Manchin, a West Virginia Independent, to fast-track energy project approvals and change permitting processes have failed amid a revolt by progressive Democrats and push-back from Republicans.

Manchin, who does not plan to seek re-election when his term expires this year, has been a critic of the Biden administration’s pause on LNG export approvals, announced in January. A federal judge this month halted the temporary moratorium, though the decision is unlikely to jump-start approvals.



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