Africa Energy Corp. acquires shares in Namibia

September 13, 2017

VANCOUVER -- Africa Energy Corp. has announced the acquisition of one-third of the shares in a subsidiary of Pancontinental Oil & Gas N.L. that holds a 30% participating interest in Petroleum Exploration Licence 37 (PEL 37) offshore the Republic of Namibia. 

Garrett Soden, Africa Energy’s president and CEO, commented, “We are pleased to partner with Pancontinental for an effective 10% interest in PEL 37 offshore Namibia. This transaction completes the discussions we began some time ago and demonstrates our commitment to this oil prone play.We look forward to the exploration well that may be drilled as early as next year.”

Africa Energy paid Pancontinental $2.2 million at closing and will pay an additional $5.5 million upon spud of the first exploration well provided that certain commercial conditions exist on the spud date.

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