Zenith Energy provides Azerbaijan field rehabilitation update

September 06, 2017

LONDON -- Zenith Energy Ltd., the dual listed international oil & gas production company operating the largest onshore oilfield in Azerbaijan, is pleased to release an update regarding the progress of its field rehabilitation activities in Azerbaijan.

Zenith’s field rehabilitation activities in Azerbaijan will focus on three areas with the final goal of achieving 1,000 bopd by March 31, 2018. These include an electrical submersible pump upgrade program, high impact well workovers in the Zardab field and the perforation of new productive zones.

Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) upgrade program

As announced by the Company on Aug. 22, 2017, the ESP replacement program involves the progressive replacement of obsolete and unreliable Electric Submersible Pumps across 11 wells. Zenith Aran’s operational team has forecast a total increase of 219 bopd over existing production across these 11 wells.

These 11 ESP(s) will be procured from Baker Hughes and Schlumberger, two of the world’s leading oilfield technology companies. This will enable a comparative assessment of the respective advantages presented by the latest generation ESP technology manufactured by both companies, and will also mitigate the risk of potential delays in their production and transportation.

The Company will employ Zenith Aran’s upgraded A-80 workover rig to perform these operations in addition to a similar sized workover rig operated by an experienced local oilfield service company. It is anticipated that the ESP upgrade program will continue until the end of November 2017 and the Company will provide a final update once the ESP upgrade program is completed.

As announced by the Company on Aug. 11, 2017, Zenith is awaiting delivery of a Schlumberger ESP, custom-built according to the specifications of well M-195. Delivery is now expected to take place in late October with the last consignment of ESPs due to delays incurred in the procurement process.

The total number of new ESPs installed across the field, once the ESP upgrade program is completed and including the new ESPs installed at wells M-45 and M-195, will therefore be 13.

Zardab high impact field rehabilitation

Zardab is the least developed oilfield in Zenith’s REDPSA area. No significant well interventions have taken place in the field during the last 20 years. 

Zenith’s rehabilitation activities will focus on two wells: Z-28 and Z-21, with the possibility of a third well intervention in well Z-4 in the case of success at either of the first two wells. These wells each produced in excess of 500 bopd for a very short period of time before they became plugged-up with sand and ceased producing.

Z-28 has been selected as the first well in the Zardab that Zenith will workover. A number of problems affecting this well have been identified by Zenith’s petroleum engineers in the pre-workover well analysis of well Z-28. It has been observed that the tubing has parted with the tubing top at the depth of 1,214 m and that it will be necessary to pull the tubing, clean out the well down to the liner top to a depth of 3,692 m, and subsequently clean out the liner.

Historically, well Z-28 has experienced significant flowrates at high pressure. High pressure well interventions require specific well control equipment such as a blowout preventer (BOP), as well as other well control equipment.

Following a formal tender process in Azerbaijan, the Company has rented a Chinese manufactured truck mounted ZJ-30 workover and drilling rig with a lifting power of 180 tons from an experienced local drilling company to complete the Z-28 well intervention. This will be fitted with the required BOP, mud system and fishing tools.

Zenith’s field staff is currently engaged in road construction and well location improvement works to enable the workover rig and ancillary equipment to be transported to the Z-28 wellsite.

The workover is scheduled to begin in late September and will have a duration of approximately one month. All operations at well Z-28 will be directed by Zenith’s newly recruited Canadian petroleum engineers, who specialize in complex workover operations.

Should the Z-28 workover be successful, the Company will move the same workover rig and team to well Z-21 for a similar well intervention. If successful, a workover of well Z-4 would follow thereafter.

Identifying and perforating new productive zones 

The third part of Zenith’s field rehabilitation activities is identifying and perforating new productive zones across a number of underperforming wells with the objective of increasing production. These operations require a significant amount of well data analysis and preparatory work to be undertaken prior to each perforation. Preparatory work includes such tasks as road construction for the transportation of equipment to remote field locations, the cleaning out of old shut-in wells using a coiled tubing unit (CTU), logging newly recorded well data, and determining if there is cement behind the casing. Well perforations will be carried out if it is determined that there are commercial volumes of oil to produce, following well data analysis and the identification of new productive zones.

Zenith’s petroleum engineers have identified three wells with strong production potential following such well interventions. These operations will take place in the period until March 31, 2018.

Production update

Zenith’s current production of oil in Azerbaijan averages approximately 350 bopd. This figure takes into account downtime at a number of wells resulting from Zenith’s field rehabilitation program. 

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