TCarta delivers satellite derived bathymetry data for Total's seismic work offshore Myanmar
BRISTOL, UK -- TCarta, a global provider of marine geospatial products, has delivered satellite derived bathymetry (SDB) to Total. Total will use the water-depth data for preparing seismic survey works off the coast of Myanmar.
“Our processing team delivered the satellite derived bathymetry just a few weeks after Total placed the order,” said TCarta CEO David Critchley. “Traditional airborne or shipborne bathymetric mapping would have taken several months and cost 10 times more.”
TCarta generated the SDB dataset by digitally extracting accurate water depth measurements from multi-spectral imagery acquired by the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-2 satellite. The resulting bathymetric data had a point spacing of 10 m with measurements to a depth of 15 m. The deliverable covered a 30-km2 area around Preparis Island in the Bay of Bengal.
Total contracted with TCarta for the Preparis Island project following a benchmark study that also generated high-quality bathymetric data from Sentinel-2 imagery.