CGG completes multi-client survey in Zambezi Delta basin, Mozambique
PARIS -- CGG has completed acquisition of 15,400 km2 of 3D marine seismic data in the outer Zambezi Delta basin, west of the Beira High. The survey area covers blocks Z5-C and Z5-D and surrounding non-held acreage.
This is the first survey to be conducted following the agreement CGG signed with Mozambique's Instituto Nacional de Petroleo (INP) in 2017 for the acquisition of a new multi-client program.
The fast-track PreSTM data set will be available during fourth-quarter 2018 in anticipation of a licence round during 2019 and final PreSDM deliverables will be made available during fourth-quarter 2019. A JumpStart integrated geoscience package will complement the survey to help accelerate industry understanding of the petroleum systems in the area.
As part of CGG's commitment to sustainability and high environmental standards, Sercel's QuietSea advanced integrated passive acoustic monitoring system was deployed on the survey vessel to ensure best-in-class monitoring of marine mammals in the environmentally sensitive Mozambique Channel.