South Africa
November 04, 2019
Shearwater GeoServices has been given a conditional letter of award for a 2D seismic acquisition and fast-track processing project by Total E&P South Africa B.V.
September 13, 2019
South Africa’s government is drafting a new law that aims at securing it a free stake in all new oil and gas ventures, revising the terms of a proposal shelved four years ago. Oil and gas companies that have secured exploration rights have held back on costly drilling while they await clarity from the government on the commercial terms.
August 27, 2019
Total and Qatar Petroleum have signed agreements under which Qatar Petroleum will farm into Total-held exploration acreage in Namibia, Guyana and Kenya.
July 15, 2019
Africa Energy Corp., an oil and gas company with exploration assets offshore South Africa and Namibia, is pleased to announce that the joint venture partnership for Block 11B/12B offshore South Africa has entered into a multi-well drilling contract with Odfjell Drilling for the Deepsea Stavanger semisubmersible rig.
July 03, 2019
Africa Oil has entered into a definitive farmout agreement with Azinam Limited (Azinam), whereby Africa Oil will acquire a 20% participating interest and operatorship in the Exploration Right for Block 3B/4B, offshore South Africa.
July 02, 2019
With Africa Oil Week ( in Cape Town in its 26th year, this year’s event – from Nov. 4-8 – will feature, for the first time, a day-long “South African Showcase.”
June 26, 2019
South Africa is working on a policy to govern the development of oil and gas resources after calls by potential investors to shield the industry from a long-running debate over laws that apply to mining exploration.
May 29, 2019
Months after a major discovery by Total SA boosted the country’s hydrocarbon prospects, Royal Dutch Shell Plc is planning to acquire an oil-block stake in a second deal in South Africa’s relatively unexplored waters.

May 23, 2019
As Angola works in attracting foreign investors from the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, its closest African neighbors are also entering the race to tap into vast investment opportunities in Africa’s second biggest oil producing market.
May 21, 2019
South Africa’s Strategic Fuel Fund is welcome to bring in partners to help it execute a $1-billion agreement to drill for oil and build a refinery and pipeline in South Sudan, the central African nation’s oil minister said.

April 25, 2019
ExxonMobil has said it will increase its exploration acreage in Namibia with the addition of approximately 28,000 km2 (7 million net acres) following the signing of an agreement with the government of Namibia and the National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (NAMCOR) for blocks 1710 and 1810, and farm-in agreements with NAMCOR for blocks 1711 and 1811A.
March 26, 2019
Total SA’s discovery of South Africa’s first oil in deep water could prove to be a bonanza for a country lacking crude reserves of its own and prompt a rush from other majors. That’s if they’re able to solve the engineering challenges of operating in one of the fastest ocean currents in the world.
March 03, 2019
Africa Oil Corp. is pleased to announce its financial and operating results for three months and year ended Dec. 31, 2018.
February 2019
U.S. inches closer to energy independence

February 07, 2019
Africa Oil Corp. has announced a significant discovery at the Brulpadda-1AX well on Block 11B/12B offshore South Africa. Africa Oil holds an indirect interest in the project as a result of its equity interest in Africa Energy (35%) and Impact Oil and Gas (30%).
February 07, 2019
South Africa’s first deep-water discovery may prompt a rush of activity as the country works to cut its reliance on imported fuels.
November 29, 2018
South Africa will introduce new oil and gas laws after elections next year, Mineral Resources Minister Gwede Mantashe said.
November 12, 2018
HE Minister Jeff Radebe, minister of energy of the Republic of South Africa, and Dr. Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency, jointly announced South Africa’s decision to join the IEA as an association country.
November 06, 2018
South Africa today joined the International Energy Agency as an Association country, bringing one of the most dynamic countries on the African continent into the IEA family, and giving a major boost to global energy governance.
October 11, 2018
Chariot Oil & Gas Limited, the Atlantic margins focused oil and gas exploration company, has announced the result of the well on the Central Blocks license, offshore Namibia.
October 01, 2018
Chariot Oil & Gas Limited, the Atlantic margins focused oil and gas exploration company, has announced that the Ocean Rig Poseidon, a sixth generation deepwater drillship, has commenced its mobilization with estimated arrival at the Prospect S well location in Namibia in the next 24 hours.