
July 26, 2024
Zephyr Energy plc has released initial results from the State 36-2R well at its Paradox Basin project in Utah. The early production test shows promising outcomes for the well, which was evaluated at various rates and choke settings.
May 16, 2024
In a unique state-university-industry collaboration, Dow, the State of Wyoming and the University of Wyoming have come together to enhance oil well productivity and recovery from existing fields and wells in Wyoming.
May 03, 2024
The acquisition, completed on May 3, allows ExxonMobil to more than double its footprint in the Permian basin, combining Pioneer's substantial acreage and industry expertise with ExxonMobil's technological leadership and financial strength.
May 02, 2024
Halliburton Company has recently unveiled GeoESP lifting pumps, a cutting-edge submersible borehole and surface pump technology tailored for geothermal energy applications.

Electrification of Production Systems for Mature Fields

September 15, 2022
As our industry transitions over the coming years toward fully decarbonized energy, we will be facing the imperative of answering the demand for conventional energy with new priorities on capital stewardship, increased productivity, and greater environmental sustainability. Investing billions of dollars in large new greenfield developments will become more and more difficult to justify. Operators will turn to their existing assets to connect additional resources and extract more oil and gas from them, with the priority on projects with low breakeven, low carbon, and short payback. Electrification of production systems will provide answers for this situation. But while operators fully understand the value of electrification for greenfield developments, its benefit for existing mature fields is less well known. This webcast will focus on the benefits of electrification for wells, subsea, and topside in brownfield applications. During this discussion, we will expand on the new capabilities enabled by electric systems that will help push existing frontiers. In addition, we will address some beliefs and myths and demonstrate that incremental investment costs for electrification of existing fields can return a large value while reducing the carbon footprint of our industry.

Spontaneous Imbibition — A Forum for a Fresh Look at EOR

August 25, 2022
Stepan Oilfield Solutions and Rockwater Energy Solution
During this 60-minute workshop, we will discuss the following: 1) No Pressure — Learn More About Spontaneous Imbibition presented by Dr. Aaron Sanders, Technical Director of Oilfield Solutions from Stepan Oilfield Solutions. 2) Oilfield Chemistry — the Move from Design to Application presented by Brian Price, Vice President- Technology from Rockwater Energy Solutions
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