
June 02, 2024
Surge has now identified the potential for up to 100 multi-lateral drilling locations at Hope Valley. Surge's technical interpretation of its recent 46 square kilometer 3-D seismic program has allowed the company to de-risk these future drilling locations in Hope Valley.

April 25, 2024
Hess’ E&P net income was $997 million in Q1 2024, compared with $405 million in Q1 2023. Net production was 476,000 boed in Q1 2024, compared with 374,000 boed in the Q1 2023, primarily due to higher production in Guyana and the Bakken.

April 18, 2024
The exploration well started at a production rate of 5 MMcfd for 2 hours at a choke 29/128” and a THP of 2290 psi. The choke at the final rate was 36/128” and a THP of 2260 psi. The exploration well continued to produce at a rate of 12 MMcfd over 29 hours with a stabilized THP of 2260 psi.

April 18, 2024
In June, 2024, ReconAfrica expects to begin drilling operations at the Naingopo exploration well. The well is targeting 163 MMbbl of unrisked prospective oil resources, or 843 Bcf of unrisked prospective natural gas resources.

April 16, 2024
The reservoirs will be developed from long horizontal production wells which typically produce at multiples of between 6 to 12 times higher than vertical wells. Project Phoenix also benefits from the ability to produce concurrently from multiple reservoirs in a single development scenario.

April 12, 2024
The changes wouldn’t affect ConocoPhillips’s 600 MMbbl Willow oil project in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. But oil industry leaders say the plan is more expansive than initially anticipated and threatens to make it nearly impossible to build more important projects in the region.

April 09, 2024
NSAI's best estimates of Kodiak's contingent recoverable resources sum to 1.2 Bbbl of marketable liquids (oil, condensate and natural gas liquids) and 5.4 Tcfg. The new resource represents a 25% increase (963 MMbbl to 1.2 Bbbl) in recoverable marketable liquids compared to NSAI's previous 2023 report.

April 02, 2024
Total flow rates (inclusive of recovery of frac fluid) averaged roughly 600 bpd over the duration of the flow back. Multiple oil samples were recovered with measured oil gravities of between 39.9 to 41.4 API (representing a light crude oil).

March 28, 2024
The well started at a production rate of 4 MMcfd for 6 hours at a choke 21/128”. The rate was subsequently increased to 6 MMcfd and 8 MMcfpd for 6 hours and 24 hours, respectively. The well was tested at a rate of up to 10 MMcfpd at choke of 30/128” and is now producing into the Jobo gas treatment plant.

March 22, 2024
Following the two gas discoveries from the Upper and Lower Angwa reservoirs in the recently completed Mukuyu-2 / ST1 drilling campaign and the compositional analysis from fast-tracked downhole reservoir fluid samples, the analysis of additional downhole fluid samples has confirmed a rich gas-condensate discovery in Mukuyu and presence of light oil.

March 13, 2024
Condensate gas ratios (CGR) are estimated between 14-22 barrels per million standard cubic foot (bbls/MMcfg) of gas from the Mukuyu-2 samples with a condensate API gravity of 50-60.

March 04, 2024
Following the two gas discoveries from the Upper and Lower Angwa reservoirs in recently completed Mukuyu-2 / ST1 drilling campaign, preliminary compositional analysis from fast-tracked downhole reservoir fluid samples has confirmed a rich gas-condensate discovery in Mukuyu.

February 29, 2024
Aminex announced that interpretation of recently-acquired 338 km2 3D seismic dataset over the Ruvuma PSA has improved the in-place volumetrics for the Ntorya natural gas discovery and revealed a significantly higher resource potential in the wider license area than previously identified on the existing sparse 2D database.

February 25, 2024
The disciplined capital program allocates approximately $4.3 billion to drill and complete 600 net wells in EOG's domestic premium areas. Strong capital efficiency delivers 3% oil volume growth and 7% total volume growth, for ~$100 million lower year-over-year total direct investment in drilling and completion activity.

February 19, 2024
When drilling the well, OGDCL reached a total depth of 3,762 meters. Testing resulted in a production rate of 1.4 MMcfgs and 93 bpd of condensate.

February 11, 2024
Block Energy plc, a development and production company in Georgia, announced an Independent Engineering Report indicating over 1 Tct of 2C contingent natural gas resources in the Patardzueli and Samgori fields in license XIB with a Net Present Value of more than $500 million.

January 31, 2024
MetaBlue Land is an industry-first solution that connects every stage of a project, from planning through acquisition to data delivery, while monitoring survey progress in real time.

January 23, 2024
The proven geological reserves amount to 133.012 Bcm as validated by the State Ministry of Natural Resources, which marks another integrated, ultra-deep and tight-sandstone gas field of over 100 Bcm in China.

January 12, 2024
Target depth is approximately 3,800 m with an estimated drilling time of 45 days. The prospect and the adjacent complex of prospects being drilled are covered by good quality 3D seismic data from a survey conducted for Molecular in 2013/14.

January 09, 2024
The Menna-1 well was drilled vertically to a total depth of approximately 1,600 m. The well logs indicate hydrocarbons in the Al Khlata, Karim and Birba formations.

December 23, 2023
Extension of the permit is in line with the country’s drive to boost recoverable oil from current levels of 1.4 Bbbl, according to the statement.