South Africa
November 20, 2017
Africa Energy Corp. announces the signature of definitive agreements to acquire an effective 4.9% interest in the Exploration Right for Block 11B/12B offshore South Africa.
November 08, 2017
The 2017 exploration and appraisal drilling campaign concluded following the drilling of the Amosing-7 appraisal well. The PR Marriott Rig-46 has been demobilized. Two discoveries were made during the campaign.
November 01, 2017
The oil and gas industry in Africa continues to face market challenges arising from the low oil price, competition for revenue growth and local talent together with new expectations from investors and regulators.
November 01, 2017
The African oil industry met this week to discuss the potential, but also the challenges, that the industry faces as the continent moves towards the commercialization of its huge gas and oil reserves.
October 11, 2017
South Africa plans to engage with traders who acquired strategic oil reserves two years ago, even as it prepares legal action to try to cancel the deal.
September 20, 2017
Oil traders are emptying one of the world’s largest crude storage facilities, located near the southernmost tip of Africa, as the physical market tightens amid booming demand and OPEC production cuts.
September 20, 2017
South Africa’s probe into the sale of 10 MMbbl of its crude oil reserves may be delayed after Energy Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi said she has some concerns because a key financial analysis in the investigation was conducted by KPMG LLP.
September 13, 2017
Africa Energy Corp. has announced the acquisition of one-third of the shares in a subsidiary of Pancontinental Oil & Gas N.L. that holds a 30% participating interest in Petroleum Exploration Licence 37 (PEL 37) offshore the Republic of Namibia.
September 07, 2017
Statoil has acquired participating interests in two additional offshore frontier blocks, including one operatorship.
August 14, 2017
President Edgar Changa Lungu heralded the beginning of Zambia’s new oil industry, when he commissioned the launch of a full tensiometer survey by Tullow Oil in Luapula province. The survey is the first of its kind to be undertaken in Zambia.
July 05, 2017
Further to the conditional letter of award (CLOA) as announced on March 1, 2017, Odfjell Drilling has now been awarded the contract as described in the CLOA. The contract is awarded by Total E&P South Africa and is for a one well, plus one optional well, to be drilled by the sixth-generation semisubmersible, Deepsea Stavanger, offshore South Africa.
July 04, 2017
ONGC Videsh has signed definitive binding agreements with Tullow Namibia Limited (Tullow), a wholly owned subsidiary of Tullow Oil plc, acquiring 30% participating interest in Namibia Petroleum Exploration License 0037 for Blocks 2112A, 2012B and 2113B.
May 02, 2017
South Africa has found “glaring governance problems” related to a 2015 sale of the country’s crude oil reserves, Energy Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi told lawmakers.
October 28, 2016
Oceaneering International, Inc., has announced that a unit of BP has agreed to a two-year extension through January 2019, under the Field Support Vessel Services contract that was entered into with the Company for work offshore Angola on Blocks 18 and 31.
October 14, 2016
Eni announces that the naming ceremony of the Armada Olombendo FPSO vessel was held today in Singapore. The FPSO shall operate in Block 15/06, offshore Angola, for the East Hub Development Project.
May 26, 2016
Sasol's field development plan (FDP) for the production sharing agreement (PSA) license in Inhambane province, Mozambique, reached an important milestone with the commencement of the first well.
February 04, 2016
Mozambique and Anadarko Petroleum Corp. are racing to tap gas from one of the biggest discoveries in decades as a global glut looms.
February 04, 2016
Swiber Holdings Limited has completed a multi-million dollar platform and subsea pipeline installation project in South America. The platform is considered to be the world’s southernmost platform project.
February 02, 2016
Sasol has obtained approval from the Mozambique Council of Ministers for its field development plan.
January 22, 2016
CGG is to commence a multi-client airborne gravity and magnetic survey offshore South Africa. The Petroleum Agency of South Africa (PASA) has authorized the program, which will extend across two blocks totaling approximately 78,000 line kilometers.
November 03, 2015
Wood Mackenzie has released the key findings of one of its latest studies prepared for Africa Oil Week - Fiscal systems for oil in Sub Saharan Africa - which identifies the main themes emerging as nations across the region revise their fiscal policies.