April 13, 2016
Schlumberger Ltd. will reduce activity in Venezuela after the world’s largest oil services provider failed to collect enough payments from the national oil company.
February 03, 2016
The U.S. is now supplying OPEC with crude oil, sort of.
December 03, 2015
All across the Americas, drilling rigs are being idled as oil prices hover near six-year lows.
October 28, 2015
Cutbacks by Brazil’s state oil company has one of its main suppliers exporting local talent to an unlikely location: Venezuela.
September 16, 2015
Venezuelan proposals for a summit between OPEC and non-OPEC producers are advancing, and should focus on bolstering oil prices rather than limiting volumes, government officials said Tuesday.
August 20, 2015
India’s Oil and Natural Gas Corp. is in discussions to take $535 million worth of crude in lieu of cash for its share of sales from a Venezuelan oilfield.
August 14, 2015
For generations, Venezuela has formally laid claim to most of its tiny neighbor, Guyana. Many dismissed the case, given Venezuela’s oil wealth and Guyana’s penury. Hugo Chavez, longstanding president of Venezuela, even let it slide, referring to the Guyanese as his brothers.
July 06, 2015
Eni has started production from the giant gas field Perla, in the Gulf of Venezuela. The first production well has been opened and is currently in the clean-up phase.
May 2015
Responding to falling oil prices, some Latin American governments push energy investment, while others slash E&P budgets.
April 29, 2015
Few countries have been hit harder by falling crude oil prices in recent months than Venezuela; an OPEC member and the holder of the world’s largest volume of oil reserves.
February 25, 2015
Venezuela, plagued with shortages of basic goods, was offered a reprieve by the Prime Minister of neighboring Trinidad & Tobago: exchange oil for tissue paper.
January 12, 2015
MELBOURNE and LONDON (Bloomberg) -- Oil extended losses from the lowest level in more than five and a half years as Goldman Sachs Group reduced its price forecasts and Venezuela called on OPEC producers to work together to spur a recovery.