Artificial intelligence


Applying Gen AI for Drilling Optimization: Insights from a Real-World Implementation

October 18, 2023
Drilling Activity generates a significant amount of data. This data is typically captured across a variety of sources such as time and depth series data from geological surveys and drilling operations, unstructured data from End of Well reports, and structured data from internal IT systems. To date, synthesizing this data into a usable format and generating actionable insights has been a challenge. In this talk, we present results from a fielded Gen AI solution that synthesizes data from our historic drilling wells in Romania and provides a natural language interface for drilling experts to interact with. Additionally, it provides recommendations for optimizing well design and performance parameters based on past results. Our goal is to reduce project costs by streamlining information discovery and improve decision accuracy by leveraging data-backed insights.

Integrating AI and Rig Automation to consistently drive high-performance drilling efficiency across operations

September 06, 2023
Corva and Nabors Industries
Discover how Nabors Industries and Corva are transforming the drilling industry with data and automation in this exclusive webinar. Nabors Industries is a global leader in drilling and rig services, and Corva is a pioneer in real-time drilling analytics. Together, they have developed cutting-edge solutions to optimize drilling performance, enhance safety, and reduce environmental impact. In this webinar, you will learn about the current trends, challenges and opportunities in the global oil market, and how Corva and Nabors can help you achieve your drilling goals with data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence.

How to Achieve Enterprise-Scale Innovation in Energy: A real-world study on the impact of digitalization

April 28, 2022
Rapid advances towards achieving our decarbonization responsibility in energy, while delivering the enormous productivity gains required to keep up with substantial growth in the world economy this decade, face the innovation dilemma—how do you achieve meaningful innovation at enterprise-scale? Join Schlumberger, Director, Corporate Strategy & Marketing, Amit Singh, as he presents real-world solutions to the energy dual challenge, with examples of highly-successful deployments of digital technology that harness data and AI to deliver automation for customers around the globe. Amit will show how Schlumberger is leveraging industry-wide collaboration and partnership to deliver low carbon operations while driving a sustainable future.

Learn How Using ConnectedProduction Lift Surveillance’s Real Time AI Response Prioritization Technology Reduces Downtime and Deferred Production

March 24, 2022
Sensia Automation and Rockwell
Automatically prioritize wells by the criticality of their real-time operational condition with ConnectedProduction Lift Surveillance’s state-of-the-art artificial intelligence software. It’s easy to deploy and available in both cloud (SaaS) and on-prem architectures to fit into your organization today, regardless of size, scale, or level of digitalization. Created by combining technologies from trusted industry leaders Schlumberger Technology and Rockwell Automation, you can rest assured the software will continue to grow and adapt for years to come.

The New Era of Surface Logging: Digital, Automated and Sustainable

March 03, 2022
Mud gas and cuttings analysis remains at today the only direct measurement of, respectively, the reservoir fluid and rock, until a PVT sample and a core are available for laboratory analysis. Surface logging data is an attractive solution for the client to take real-time decisions as they are available while drilling, on a continuous basis and at relatively low cost. Nowadays the accuracy and quality of the surface logging data has reached a level comparable to more sophisticated downhole tools thanks to the technological evolution, processes automation and innovative digital workflows. In this presentation we will describe how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning models and ground-breaking algorithms permit a more quantitative and objective approach to determine lithology classification, enhance the accuracy of the mud gas data even in extreme drilling conditions and enable predicting fluid properties while drilling.

Enterprise AI for Field Development Optimization

December 14, 2021
Baker Hughes C3.AI
Efficiency of existing operations and investments in upstream oil and gas requires a new approach. Cleaner, safer, more efficient energy production is needed to meet increasing demand while reducing emissions. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning will play a pivotal role in unifying siloed upstream data and better optimizing field operations to meet these needs. In this webinar, World Oil editor Craig Fleming hosts a discussion about the state of digital adoption in upstream oil and gas, the complexity of adopting and scaling AI, and examples of how AI is being applied today for improved outcomes.

Drilling Innovations & Technology Forum: Fall 2021

November 10, 2021
Schlumberger, PatSnap
Advances in drilling technology increasingly require collaboration by traditional drilling players with partners outside the core of the oil & gas industry. Identifying who can provide the missing innovation pieces – whether it is a technology company to develop software for an advanced exploration system, or an academic researcher with expertise in an obscure chemical discipline – is a critical step for innovation in drilling. Join PatSnap to learn how connected innovation intelligence tools and techniques can be used to empower the drilling industry to discover and collaborate with the best possible partners.

Accelerate Adoption of the OSDU Data Platform on an Enterprise Scale

September 16, 2021
Come and discover how our ready to run service enables seamless connection to AI and domain applications for faster and improved decisions. Learn how all the tools needed to automate data loading, quality control, governance, discovery, sharing and consumption are built into a single environment that can be deployed globally through strategic partnerships.

Operational Excellence with Edge Computing for Oil & Gas

June 22, 2021
Stratus Technology
Oil and Gas companies are investing in applications to analyze data in real-time and improve the business performance. That investment involves computing platforms that are reliable in harsh environments where oil and gas assets exist. Streamline Innovations will share their application of advanced technology and how they are enabling clients to meet environmental objectives. Hear from Peter Photos, Streamline Innovations and Corie Allemand, Stratus Technologies on digital initiatives that increase efficiency, safety, and profitability. Join us for a discussion on: -Streamline Innovations use of advanced applications -ROI of Edge Computing for Streamline -Redundancy and virtualization in Edge Computing

Artificial Intelligence based Response Prioritization for Electric Submersible Pumps

November 04, 2020
A thousand alarms but only one important event. This is the reality facing many operators of electric submersible pumps (ESPs). With so much reliance on people rather than digital tools to prioritize events, it is difficult for field engineers to respond to the most important. The disparate, hit-and-miss analytics of slow-loop systems makes it difficult for operators to identify ESP issues and respond to them in a timely manner. Sensia AiRP captures, prioritizes, resolves, and reclassifies ESP events in an integrated environment, creating a single-view workflow that brings together the latest advances in AI and powerful data visualization to automate the prioritization process. By automatically and intelligently analyzing ESP events in real time, AiRP empowers you to boost operational efficiency, optimize lift, and minimize downtime by significantly cutting the response time to potentially harmful events. This solution harnessing Sensia’s full capabilities represents the first step towards lift autonomy.
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